Saturday 20 September 2014


Went to #Africtalent yesterday. Was quite the busy place, and fun too! Well would have been if they'd actualy let me in... My CV was too "green" apparently, bummer!
Anyways, I'm planning to launch my artistic portfolio soon... on behance! Then move on to more serious stuff... coding projects mainly. Need to be on the move... chap!!
Have you read this article about how in fact small entities in the busines world need to iterate more than the giants, at least until they launch a successful product? Well I take that advice to heart...

My schedule today:
- finishing some masterpiece for my artist portfolio, then advertising it to my network
- reviewing some java exercises I had had to practice for the Masters in Mobile Technology scholarship interview. Interview which I never attended because I was back home I don't have the means to pay for a trip back to Kenya.
- Get some work done on that joomla template I wanna be making
- Finish setting up my private #hadoop cluster... Hadoop hey?! Yeh heard the hype wanted to try my hands at it...
That's it!

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